Paid Job 0.15 D Bucks for Registration


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Sep 29, 2023
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Hello, if you are for quick D Bucks register on this forum, make introduction post, upload an avatar, and post just 5 replies and I will pay you 0.15 D Bucks.
Note: this job is only for those who are not yet a member of this site. If you are already a member don't do this task. Those who do this task and create good posts will have more work opportunity in the future
Hello, if you are for quick D Bucks register on this forum, make introduction post, upload an avatar, and post just 5 replies and I will pay you 0.15 D Bucks.
Note: this job is only for those who are not yet a member of this site. If you are already a member don't do this task. Those who do this task and create good posts will have more work opportunity in the future
I think, I will reapply. I cannot anymore get in but I always receive a message from this site. After the previous site Real Shit was changed to ROLFMAO, I cannot anymore log in.
I think, I will reapply. I cannot anymore get in but I always receive a message from this site. After the previous site Real Shit was changed to ROLFMAO, I cannot anymore log in.
If you cannot get into your old account, you can try with a new account but use different username and avatar. If possible, use a VPN because some moderators might catch you. :D
Also use the above link to sign up (referral link)
If you cannot get into your old account, you can try with a new account but use different username and avatar. If possible, use a VPN because some moderators might catch you. :D
Also use the above link to sign up (referral link)
I already re-registered with a username Starmix25 😁😁.
I could not be able to finish the registration because i did not receive email notifications.
There was some email issues previously, but it is solved now. try asking for password reset link
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