A man lead by his emotions cannot lead others

Sep 25, 2023
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Man, if you are weak you can never be a leader. A leader leads by example and if you are that emotional type, hide don't lead. You will be bullied and belittled and they may call you weakling. Only strong people with strong emotions are capable to lead and such leader is dynamic and never be stirred by bullies. What do you think?
Man, if you are weak you can never be a leader. A leader leads by example and if you are that emotional type, hide don't lead. You will be bullied and belittled and they may call you weakling. Only strong people with strong emotions are capable to lead and such leader is dynamic and never be stirred by bullies. What do you think?
That's true. Administration has no place for emotions and should always be guided by logic. Of humanity has to along with it for better people management.
That's true. Administration has no place for emotions and should always be guided by logic. Of humanity has to along with it for better people management.
Yeah, a nation with an emotional leader leads a country with a lot of disaster and conflicts. An administration must be tough especially in decision making.
Yeah, a nation with an emotional leader leads a country with a lot of disaster and conflicts. An administration must be tough especially in decision making.
Most political leaders are not are more selfish than emotional and that's the reason the are not bothered about the people of the country.
Most political leaders are not are more selfish than emotional and that's the reason the are not bothered about the people of the country.
Agree with you on that some political leaders are not affected with the problems of the nation. In my country our Philippine President always hears the cries of the helpless people.
Agree with you on that some political leaders are not affected with the problems of the nation. In my country our Philippine President always hears the cries of the helpless people.
You are lucky enough to have such a president.
You are lucky enough to have such a president.
I thought Prime Minister Modi is a good leader. He should have not been voted in the latest election.Is there no qualified candidate to man your big county?
A leader is someone who is able to control their emotions in every situation they find themselves and are able to make the right choices.
It is not good to choose a weak leader, that leader will never be strong . It is in his blood to be born weak. He will never care to defend others.
Not in all cases though, i have seen cases where people who where once considered to be very weak ends up becoming strong due to the things they have been through.
I thought Prime Minister Modi is a good leader. He should have not been voted in the latest election.Is there no qualified candidate to man your big county?
He did not win the election. He gathered some other politicians from different who won some Lok Shabha seats to show the majority and behaving like a dictator.
He did not win the election. He gathered some other politicians from different who won some Lok Shabha seats to show the majority and behaving like a dictator.
So who is your prime minister? I thought it was Mod because he is always mentioned. Your country is huge, it is not easy to monitor by the prime minster.
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