Accounting ethics


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Nov 11, 2023
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Accounting ethics is principally a field of applied ethics with particular focus on the study of moral values and judgements as they apply to accounting.

Accounting ethics were first formulated by Luca Pacioli and later expanded by different corporate bodies e.g government professional organizations private companies.

The need for accounting ethics arose from the need to stop and combat fraud and other unethical conducts in the accounting profession.
Accounting ethics is a set of principles, values, morals that accountants must adhere to and apply in carrying out their business, such as honesty, integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and professionalism. Meanwhile, the main goal of accounting ethics is to maintain the quality and reliability of financial information, so as to prevent fraud.
Accounting ethics requires that financial statements should not be manipulated to show a preconceived picture. It should reflect the true financial position of the business.
AThe accounting ethics can be a really game changer for the money laundering, embezzlement of government and organizational funds only if it is handled with professionalism.
True, cause at the moment, there are still lots and lots of fraud cases going on, not just in the government sector but also in the private sector. The worse part about this is that it is does who have the knowledge, they are the ones manipulating things.
gwolf666Latest member