Are businesses influencing the government too much?


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Sep 28, 2023
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Businesses of all kind frequently use a range of strategies to affect governmental policy. This covers interest group politics, political donations, and lobbying. The majority of the time, however, political influence is used by businesses to get funding, lower their tax obligations, and influence public policy. Additionally, many people's quality of life is impacted by corporate policies about pay, benefits, and working conditions.

What do you think about this?
In fact, it is not surprising, because currently many big business people occupy important positions in government, both executive, legislative and judicial. So when they get together, perhaps over a cup of coffee, all they talk about is profits and business. how to increase profits, then a law is made regarding labor/labor regulations that cause losses, such as a contract system with low wages, etc.
Yes this is pretty common, i think both parties are actually influencing each others. Most times the government usually bring in certain rules and laws that would only favour certain group of business owners.
There is no way that anyone can seperate business from politics. The two are interwoven. It is not out of place for businesses to want to influence government policies because they want to stay competitive by trying to tilt government policies to their favour. I don't think businesses are exerting too much influence on the government of my country.
It is easy to operate a business especially if you have a political friend. He could influence your business. He could demand his force to do business with you but with a promise of something in return. It is better not to et inclined with politics, just perform your duty that is to pay tax.
The top tech and internet companies are influencing government policy to a very great extent, they also get their associates appointed to intelligence agencies, often faking their online experience, bank account , online income, robbing the data of small online business owners.
Well, I just feel like they both work hands in hand
They depend on each other.
A business can influence a government through taxes and business permits. The permit could also be daily, weekly, monthly or yearly payment. If daily, we can see a collector collecting stall by stall of different kinds of businesses.
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