Are managers to blame for a business's downfall

Sep 25, 2023
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There are companies and even banks that turned bankrupt but are the managers to blame for the fate of their companies or banks? For a bank, it is the bank manager to see to it that borrowers pay their loans on time, and for the companies, the managers are also responsible for making a follow-up on the standing of their business to avoid a downfall that may affect all employees. Inventory is a necessity and weekly meetings too to know the pros and cons of a particular issue that may lead to a company's downfall.
Most of the time, the answer to this question is no. Sometimes the company can suffer from "visionary founder" syndrome where the owner has outsize influence and makes bad decisions. Other times, the business was never based on good fundamentals to begin with, like wework.

Other times, the company gets disrupted out of existence, like Sears. Usually that's because of complacent owners or CEOs that can't pivot to deal with the times. Business collapse is usually on the owner/CEO level, not on the level of the managers. The latter usually don't have enough power to take down the business - if they don't do what the owner wants, they will be removed and replaced.
Managers are directly and indirectly involved in a company downturn. Though, sometimes some policies make it quite difficult to take decisive decisions on certain issues. Managers are sometimes used as a scapegoat to shield directors or owners from their own mistakes.
It is true, we can't blame the managers. Some factors are involved it could be inside or outside forces. There are eternal and external factors. However, managers must be vigilant to avoid failures. People blame them without knowing the truth.
The truth of the matter is that the manager should not be the only one to be blamed cause they cannot do it on their own, it is the collective work and effort of the whole team that brings success. Then again the position of them manager puts them in a place where they are the ones to take the blame.
That is true but he is the manager and he must see to it that everythning is under control to avoid failures. He must take the initiative to check the data of his clients.
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When you are a leader, it is a call to responsibility and whether you are directly at fault or not for things going south, you should take the blame for it. Managers are the decision makers of an organisation. Any manager that has been given a free hand to run an organisation is responsible for it's downfall.
That's the function ofva manager to be smart and active on managing his organization's. He's not put up there as a decoration but rather a man of action that let's the organization stands like a pro, and employees morale achieved by them.
The managers are held responsible for the downfall of the businesses. They can see well the progress of their businesses. How come they cannot control the failures while they can still be remedied?
For me a failing business is just a failing business. I don't see any reason whatsoever l should blame the management for that.
Why does the manager even exist at that? The role of a manager is to creatively manage the business and stop it from failing. Any manager that doesn't reduce the likelihood of a business failing is not worth being called a manager.
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