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Are social networks beneficial or harmful for mental health?

Jan 13, 2024
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I think social media is beneficial for mental health because it allows people to connect with others who share the same interests, express themselves freely, and stay informed about what's happening in the world. And you, how does social media affect your well-being?
how does social media affect your well-being?
I try to stay off of social media as much as possible because its' steadily turning into cesspools of iniquity.
Twitter/X is the worst, but Facebook's getting there.
I agree; it totally depends on who you follow or who you engage with on social media. If your feed is full of negativity, you will surely absorb those negative vibes, but if your feed is just full of positivity, then your vibe will also be positive, as well as your mental wellness.
I agree; it totally depends on who you follow or who you engage with on social media. If your feed is full of negativity, you will surely absorb those negative vibes, but if your feed is just full of positivity, then your vibe will also be positive, as well as your mental wellness.
Yes, you will absorb the negativity, that is for sure. That is why I decided to unfriend a lot of people on my social media accounts. LOL. I only kept those who are good for my mental health.
In the other way round, social media has caused so many people depression up to suicidal levels. Cyber bullying, show off are some of the ways social media has affected people negatively.
I strongly believe it depends on what you do with it. Let's take drugs for headache for example. It helps cure your headache but what happens when you misuse it? It becomes harmful.
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