Are you an outgoing person or a homebody?

I am also both but during the outbreak of the pandemic we are forced to stay at home and it was so depressing especially if we're and outgoing type extrovert like me. I feel suffocated once always inside home insufferable feeling 😊.
It's both for me. Some days, I like to go out, like to the mall, parks, or bars, and other days, I just prefer being at home, especially on red days.

How about you?
I really hate to go outside, if i don't have job or plan to go outside i don't like to go, i really enjoy spending my free time at my home, watching movies eating a lots of food and having some good time.
I consider myself an extroverted person, although I also have moments where I just want to stay at home and not do much, it depends on the time actually :)
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