Are You Friend With Your Family On Facebook?

Oct 22, 2023
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I am friend with my family on Facebook and to speak the truth i don't feel confident to post anything and to comment my view on any posts, and that's because they will judge me and they get mad if they see something that they don't want. but do you think that we should be friends on Facebook with our family members.
Not all but i do have some family members on Facebook that i am friends with. Besides my direct siblings i don't normally chat with the others since am not always online on Facebook as well.
Yes, I am friends with my family on Facebook; however, if I post, share, or comment on something that seems inappropriate to them, especially my parents, I try to filter them out so that they will not be able to see it.
I have two Facebook accounts. The one that I have my family members including my elderly relatives as friends and the other one, I don't have my family as friends. The first one is for conservative posts while the second one sees the young me doing my own thing.
I am friend with my family on Facebook and to speak the truth i don't feel confident to post anything and to comment my view on any posts, and that's because they will judge me and they get mad if they see something that they don't want. but do you think that we should be friends on Facebook with our family members.
We have the same problem, when I posted many things on Facebook work related and the post was severally responded, my sister got mad at me She said that I was overacting and felt my post boring,gosh so I told her to unfollow me which she did.
We have the same problem, when I posted many things on Facebook work related and the post was severally responded, my sister got mad at me She said that I was overacting and felt my post boring,gosh so I told her to unfollow me which she did.
I feel you, they have to know that we are different around our family and when we are with friends and work places, i remember when some of my friends tag me on contents my family get mad and they say "what kind of friends do you have?" And that makes me mad.
I feel you, they have to know that we are different around our family and when we are with friends and work places, i remember when some of my friends tag me on contents my family get mad and they say "what kind of friends do you have?" And that makes me mad.
Until today, my elder sister has unfollowed me on Facebook. She does not like to see me having many friends greeting me or sending me messages about anything. I also have a cousin I blocked on Facebook because she told my sister that I have many foreigner friends, virtual friends.LOL>
I am friend with my family on Facebook and to speak the truth i don't feel confident to post anything and to comment my view on any posts, and that's because they will judge me and they get mad if they see something that they don't want. but do you think that we should be friends on Facebook with our family members.
I do have some family members on Facebook but not my sons. I of course had my husband who was not a active on Facebook.
For me l don't like it to have my family and relatives as my friends on Facebook but l constantly getting friend requests from them. So l have added them and created another account of which they are not aware of and l am mostly active on.
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Not all but i do have some family members on Facebook that i am friends with. Besides my direct siblings i don't normally chat with the others since am not always online on Facebook as well.
I don't really like the idea of chatting with my family in Facebook. That's why I have multiple accounts that l can post my heart confidently and that they are not aware of.
I do have some family members on Facebook but not my sons. I of course had my husband who was not a active on Facebook.
Yeah i also have almost all my families on Facebook and we are friends but that have some problem on my activities om social media, i am really restricted on what i am doing there.
Yeah i also have almost all my families on Facebook and we are friends but that have some problem on my activities om social media, i am really restricted on what i am doing there.
I don't have any restrictions but I don't put up anything that would offend any relatives.
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For me l don't like it to have my family and relatives as my friends on Facebook but l constantly getting friend requests from them. So l have added them and created another account of which they are not aware of and l am mostly active on.
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I don't really like the idea of chatting with my family in Facebook. That's why I have multiple accounts that l can post my heart confidently and that they are not aware of.
I don't chat on Facebook with my relatives. I just like and post comments to their posts.
I am only friends with my younger sister on Facebook. I do not want to add other family members and relatives because they are toxic.
Sorry to hear that, to be hones its hard to be friend on facebook with your families even if they are not toxic, they will watch every move that you make.
I am only friends with my younger sister on Facebook. I do not want to add other family members and relatives because they are toxic.
I am facing the same problem in the life. You cannot express freedom yourself and you need to calculate before sharing any post on social media that could be the saddest part of the story.
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