Are you good at budgeting? What is your technique?

Sep 25, 2023
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This time when life is hard because of the extended rate of inflation, so people whose income is not even enough for their daily needs feel the constraint on how to budget the money before the next payday comes. Others find petty solutions by working online as their side hustles but what about those who lack skills in doing activities online? Lucky are those who acquire skills on how to manipulate a computer, they could find some dollars to augment their daily needs. Despite the fact they earn some, they still need to budget their money effectively so that no one in the household suffers from hunger. From the standpoint of my neighborhood, they budget their money by limiting the food they usually eat like kilos of meat in a week, kilos of fish, and kilos of rice in a week, they reduced from kilos to a kilo. They just add vegetables to the meat unlike before they deep fried the chicken, this time not anymore the same. For the rice, they measured in cups at an exact amount to avoid waste. The crucial encounters we have this time, teach us lessons to budget our money wisely.
I won't actually call myself good but I believe I am trying my best. The only method I use is to set up different accounts. I have an account for savings, recently I just created an account where I keep funds for advertising my business and another one for investing. I have an account for spending. So whatever is in these accounts I make sure I use them for only what they are ment for.
I won't actually call myself good but I believe I am trying my best. The only method I use is to set up different accounts. I have an account for savings, recently I just created an account where I keep funds for advertising my business and another one for investing. I have an account for spending. So whatever is in these accounts I make sure I use them for only what they are ment for.
That is a good technique for budgeting your money. You have specific methods like opening different accounts intended for a specific purpose. Each of us has our way to limit our expenses so that there is something on our plates and savings. Let us be happy with how we budget our money.
We all have our techniques on how to budget our money. It is difficult to budget if your salary is small, side hustle earning small,and other side kicks, however, by all means, we have to budget our money to have for the rainy days.
I don't consider myself particularly good at budgeting. LOL. However, I always try to budget and save my money. Basic commodity prices have increased, and I sometimes struggle to keep up. This is why I'm improving my skill set in order to obtain a higher-paying job and invest more.
Indeed, it is hard to budget despite having a good job and salary, offline business, and side kicks. If we don't have a good break during shipping time.,most probably, our money will go to the shopping center.
I set up a financial plan of all my major expenses which are necessities like food, and shelter. I divide my income at each level to cover these expenses. And then pay for only utilities that I need. I am cutting out luxuries out of my life.
Everyone will save money in different ways, personally I reduce visits to the mall and open shopping apps, I even delete some shopping apps on my mobile. I also no longer have a credit card. We also need to reduce visits to restaurants and cafes just for a cup of coffee.
Everyone will save money in different ways, personally I reduce visits to the mall and open shopping apps, I even delete some shopping apps on my mobile. I also no longer have a credit card. We also need to reduce visits to restaurants and cafes just for a cup of coffee.
I also surrendered my credit card. I am tempted to shop any time because of it. I now feel relieved because I only use cash to pay for an item. I need to budget more.
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