As a business owner, don't ever ignore the calls / SMS of your customers no matter the situation.


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Dec 1, 2023
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There is a financial institution I patronize in my country. I was finding difficulty completing a transaction. I sent their customer support a WhatsApp message explaining my difficulty. The messages were indicated as "Read" by WhatsApp. But I wasn't given any response. Sent a follow up message and still, no response.

And they actually resolved the issue and I went ahead and completed my transaction. It was at this point that they responded to message.

I am dumping their ass and closing the account not for the difficulty they experienced but their act of ignoring my message. Don't ignore the messages of your customers for whatever reason.
I always believe in open communication and it is very important in business. If you have challenges as a business, try and communicate to your customers. If you can even communicate self, the customer would likely understand. Don't ignore them. If you ignore me as a customer, I am surely withdrawing my patronage if your business forever.
It is so frustrating when a business owner or representative ignores your communication through texts or SMS. And sometimes, you are in a very dicey situation about their products. If they don't offer good explanation, dump the business.
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