As a business, you must strive to win contracts to have accelerated growth.

Oct 3, 2023
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While most businesses are centred on serving individual customers, the big instantaneous money is to secure contracts that would cause you to mass produce or offer your service to a large group of people in one transaction.

If you are a barber, secure a contract to barb all the boys in a boarding school. If you are a farmer, secure a contract to supply for big event, if you are caterer, secure contracts for three or four day events. These contracts help your business to grow faster.
Very true, having contract jobs where you have to supply to a large number of persons are usually the best cause the pay and profit are usually more. We graphic designers, we tend to make more money when we do things in bulk.
A church was having a rally that lasted for three days recently. I was contracted to supply all the chickens they are going to use to cook food for the congregants. That was such a huge contract as I was supplying up to 40 chickens per day to them.
You are right. Securing a contract can be a blessing for your business, as happy customers are more likely to return for repeat business.
That's right and this means that the right things just be put into the business to continue to win contracts
That's right winning a contract for a business do help to accelerate the growth of a business. So one should look out for a contact
Yes though it's not always that easy finding contracts, but when you find one it does pay pretty well.
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