At which point can we say that someone has attained financial freedom?

King Belieal

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So many of us dream to have financial freedom. And the concept of financial freedom might mean different things to different people.

At what point can we say that someone has attained financial freedom?
Financial freedom means that you can afford to live the lifestyle that you craved for. You don't have to make adjustments just to survive.
So many of us dream to have financial freedom. And the concept of financial freedom might mean different things to different people.

At what point can we say that someone has attained financial freedom?
I believe that the time we can say confidently that we have attain financial freedom is when we are able to feed ourselves, pay our bills without worrying or begging others to help us out.
So many of us dream to have financial freedom. And the concept of financial freedom might mean different things to different people.

At what point can we say that someone has attained financial freedom?
When a person is earning sufficiently to sustain himself/herself and his/ her family and save something for future.
When a person is earning sufficiently to sustain himself/herself and his/ her family and save something for future.
It's about having the stability and security to not have to worry about money constantly.
For me I see financial freedom as a stage where I can buy anything I want when I need it without having to worry about my bank account or without having to save before I can get it. Financial freedom is a stage where I can live the lifestyle I want.
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