Avoid accumulating new debts


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Oct 3, 2023
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Some people enjoy racking up new debts and living beyond their financial capabilities. They often depend on their credit cards to make fanciful purchases, only to regret their impulsive spending later. It is better to limit credit card usage to emergencies and prioritize cash transactions whenever possible. Accumulating new debts can become a serious issue, mainly when failure to pay them off promptly results in excessive interest charges. What do you think?
Accumulating new debts will put you in a difficult position financially. There's a chance you may broke someday. I use credit cards to pay for purchases because I want to get cashback. I use them cautiously. I just use credit cards which are free, and I always pay my credit card bills on time. Never paid any interest.
If you have debt never take another debt until you have paid first. Do not take debt unless you have plans to use it to generate profits through investment or business
Even though I personally don't have debt, there are many people out there whose lives depend on debt or being in debt has become a bad habit for them, not only with credit cards, but even for small purchases, many of them are in debt, such as purchases in the marketplace with PayLater. Accumulating debt also has a bad emotional and mental impact.
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