We can define networking as relationships between business people, be they other business people, potential customers and clients who have similarities in terms of goals, professions and interests or create business opportunities.
Not only to make a profit, networking in business actually focuses on the process of creating relationships of mutual trust and friendship with other business people. In general, business networking holds direct meetings such as conferences, seminars, forums or through social networks. Here are just some of the benefits of business networking that I know, such as:
1. Build good connections with business partners or government.
2. Can meet senior business people and professionals.
Not only to make a profit, networking in business actually focuses on the process of creating relationships of mutual trust and friendship with other business people. In general, business networking holds direct meetings such as conferences, seminars, forums or through social networks. Here are just some of the benefits of business networking that I know, such as:
1. Build good connections with business partners or government.
2. Can meet senior business people and professionals.