Based on the ethyl alcohol or ethanol (C2H5OH) content, alcoholic beverages can be classified into three:
Class A alcohol or ethyl content below 5%
Class B alcohol content 5% to 20%
Class C alcohol content above 20%.
In my country, to be able to sell alcoholic beverages, both classes A, B and C, you must have a permit from the local government and can only be sold in certain locations such as hotels, restaurants, bars or certain places/shops that have met the requirements. However, local alcoholic beverages are often sold by stalls secretly. How about in your country?
Class A alcohol or ethyl content below 5%
Class B alcohol content 5% to 20%
Class C alcohol content above 20%.
In my country, to be able to sell alcoholic beverages, both classes A, B and C, you must have a permit from the local government and can only be sold in certain locations such as hotels, restaurants, bars or certain places/shops that have met the requirements. However, local alcoholic beverages are often sold by stalls secretly. How about in your country?