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Can Investing Prevent Wasting Money?

Oct 1, 2023
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Many of us live without a financial plan, so that every month's income will always run out, but if you have an investment plan your life will be different, you certainly have a plan to allocate your financial resources to investment instruments, so that your income will immediately be cut. You don't need to wait to be rich or have a lot of money, currently there are many investment platforms that can accept deposits with just $1, so you don't need to hesitate to start investing, be it on mobile applications, websites, or directly investing in physical form such as gold etc. .
Can you suggest me the investment platform that accept small money? i really want to invest some money when i a not trading. and yeah investing could save our money from spending it on some unwanted thing and yeah it comes with profit, which is better than spending it. but we need to consider finding a good investment place.
Can you suggest me the investment platform that accept small money? i really want to invest some money when i a not trading. and yeah investing could save our money from spending it on some unwanted thing and yeah it comes with profit, which is better than spending it. but we need to consider finding a good investment place.
There are several platforms that accept small money, such as crypto exchanges, usually the minimum deposit is only one USD, apart from that, mutual funds also have almost the same minimum deposit, so it's like we can invest like saving every month but will get bigger rewards.
If we listen investors they will told you keeping money in 'socks' definitely is losing because of inflation. In their view money must be invested in something like shares, stocks, trading.
True, with normal inflation or below 10% generally issuers can control production costs, so shares can still be used as a hedge, but if inflation is more than 10% of a country's economy it will be increasingly difficult to sell lots of shares so that share prices on the stock exchange will also fall.
A prudent investment portfolio can increase your wealth over time, act as a hedge against inflation, and possibly cut down on wasteful spending. To minimize needless risk, it's crucial to balance investments with a sound budget and practice financial discipline.
True, a prudent investment can make a person more disciplined in managing and managing finances for investment purposes, thereby enabling him to save more financially and besides that he can increase assets.
In some countries, government agencies prefer citizens who are spending money, while investors who save money are often targeted for identity theft, resume robbery. So those who lead a lavish lifestyle are getting the most benefit.
The more money stays in your hands, the higher the propensity to spend on things that are not really useful. It is better to invest the money than keeping it with you and you can't recall how you spent it.
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