Can small countries accept the bitcoin as the legal transactions


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Oct 2, 2023
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For the truth of the matter, any country small or big can make Bitcoin a legal tender. What they shouldn't do is have a unrealistic expectation that doing so will improve be the economy of their country and the standard of living is the citizens and they shouldn't restrict citizens to a certain platforms.
Sure, it will help the acceptance of Bitcoin if a top country makes it a legal tender and if it becomes popular among many countries, but that's about it for sure.
A small country that has accepted crypto/Bitcoin as a medium of exchange is Singapore, many shops have started to accept crypto, including Grab (online taxi), “&glazed” e-retailer of household appliances which also accepts crypto payments. But crypto does not replace fiat money Singapore dollars (SGD) as is the case in El Salvador.
Before 2016, in my country there were no crypto regulations, so crypto could still be used as a medium of exchange, whether paying for coffee in a cafe or some shops that put labels accepting Bitcoin, but since the enactment of the crypto regulations, Bitcoin is prohibited as a medium of exchange but is recognized as a commodity item like stocks and gold,
Legal tender, means that a government recognizes something as currency, Bitcoin is not legal tender because it is a sovereign currency, you do not need it to be legal tender to make transactions with it, I can make transactions in my country with Bitcoin legally without it being legal to tender.
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