Can you live without money

Have you ever stayed for a while without money? I have as I refused to pay bills for that period and was eating from friends and family LoL. How about you?
I have seen such days when my husband was alive. He managed money very badly. I should say now being a pensioner I am more comfortable financially as I never spend whimsically.
I have seen such days when my husband was alive. He managed money very badly. I should say now being a pensioner I am more comfortable financially as I never spend whimsically.
That's how it should be we need to spend money wisely to avoid getting stuck in bad debt
Have you ever stayed for a while without money? I have as I refused to pay bills for that period and was eating from friends and family LoL. How about you?
Yeah it's possible every now and then, but trust me, you don't want to live that kind of life style, cause those around you, will see you as a liability and they will surely start avoiding you.
I think people need to taught money and how to spend it wisely even in high school
It's the parents who should teach their children wise spending right from childhood. Both my father-in-law and mother-in-law were spendthrift and so was their son. I am happy at least he build a house for me though he left it half complete which my son and me completed.
Yeah it's possible every now and then, but trust me, you don't want to live that kind of life style, cause those around you, will see you as a liability and they will surely start avoiding you.
it is not an everyday thing. They might not even notice as I do mine once or twice a month. Some months I don't do it
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