Can you predict crypto market crash?

Oct 3, 2023
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It is not easy to predict market crash. Sometimes expert lose much of their money in this duration, because if they hold it then the money remain stuck for long time and if they sell then they face marked loss. After experience of year I can predict or sense that when it is possible that the crypto market will crash. So my all new strategies are accordingly.
You can try to predict when there might be a crash by certain information or market movement, but this is extremely difficult even by expert analysts.
You can try to predict when there might be a crash by certain information or market movement, but this is extremely difficult even by expert analysts.
Because half of informations are hoax as begineers could not differenciate if it is a hoax or a true information, this reveals why it is difficult to predict that crash for example.
In fact, all crypto users can predict crypto market crashes, the most important thing is that they can apply the fundamentals perfectly, which will cause crypto crashes, such as government regulations, economic changes, fud etc.
Because half of informations are hoax as begineers could not differenciate if it is a hoax or a true information, this reveals why it is difficult to predict that crash for example.
Almost all information is biased, because if we would not all be rich, it is difficult to find true information, but if you search and search you will find it believe me, newbies are the first ones who do not know how to differentiate biased or misleading information.
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