Can you save up to $100 in a day?

With my current source of income, it's not possible for me to save this in just a day. For me to be able to save this in a day means I am earning more than that or exactly that amount a day.
Maybe people in that can boast of daily income of $1000 can actually save up to that in a month. $100 is just a tenth of a thousand dollars. But not many people in the world can meet up with that.
It depends on the income, if I sell a domain for $XXXX ,then I can save more than $500 in a day. However I alone pay $4000 or more annually in domain renewal fees and I usually have a high value domain sale, only once in a year or less frequently.
So due to the tough economic times that the world is facing now, it's now a very big thing to manage the savings consistently. So are you able to save little $100 in a single day.
It will be possible if you are from first tie cointries. But if you are from third world countries, you will find out that some people monthly salary is around $100.
No, I can't save that amount a day, but it's a figure that can be achieved if you do things very well and have a good job or generate enough with your business, depending on the country you live in as well, there are countries where it's difficult to even save that per month.
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