Challenges of starting a business in third world countries.


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Sep 28, 2023
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As a young entrepreneur from a developing nation, I'm not saying there aren't challenges elsewhere but the difficulties we face here are on another level. Things like unreliable power and internet, lack of transport infrastructure to get goods to market, conflicts spinning out of political instability. These things make daily operations a struggle and planning long term ambitious. But what keeps me going is seeing the problems as opportunities. Where there is lack, there is room for innovation. I believe the challenges we have here will breed a toughness and creativity that can compete anywhere once some basic stability and access is achieved.
High levels of corruption, nepotism and financial fraud is a major problem. For example an indore housewife does not have a credit or debit card, uses her husband's debit card for local online shopping, yet since 2010, she is faking ownership of my credit cards, domains and getting monthly salary at my expense and getting a monthly government salary while I make losses. It is also extremely difficult to end the financial fraud, since the intelligence agencies refuse to correct their records or acknowledge their mistake.
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