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Debts Due to Business Bankruptcy

Oct 1, 2023
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D Bucks
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When a person or business/company is declared bankrupt by the court, all of the company's assets will be taken over by the curator for liquidation and payment of debts. If the assets are insufficient then debt payments will be postponed or written off. However, there are several types of debt that cannot be written off or debts that don't go away from collection. So this type of debt will still exist or be attached even though the person/business has been declared bankrupt by the court. My question is what types of debt cannot be written off even if you have been declared bankrupt?
Creditor obligations from business bankruptcy may have an adverse effect on one's capacity to manage finances. The legal procedure varies, however asset liquidation is frequently used to settle debts. To successfully navigate bankruptcy proceedings and lessen the financial repercussions, it's imperative to obtain competent advice.
You are right, the curator will liquidate wealth/assets to pay debts. There are also types of debt that are considered paid off, but there are also debts that remain attached or cannot be considered paid off, such as debts that arise due to fraud.
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