Did you find anything profitable on the online businesses?


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Oct 2, 2023
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For me as a person as l have found that it's very conveniently to purchase items online as l find them very cheap compared to the traditional way of purchasing offline. This goes especially on the electronic devices like the laptops for that matter.
Yes, it does many a times. I will often compare the prices on various online platforms and then purchase. Online offers more discounts and offers during festivals. Moreover, it's convenient to do the shopping from the comfort of our home. Plus, there are rewards and cashback points that one can always redeem.
I am not comfortable buying electronic gadgets, footwears and fresh food like veggies and fruits online. I want to experience them first before buying them. Lately, one of the organic fruits and veggies vendor has started online group on WhatsApp. I order it there. He delivers it to my door and I check it. If it's not upto mark, I return it straightaway. I am loving it.
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