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Official Discussion Discussion Bucks Coming Soon List


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Sep 8, 2023
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I wanted to start a discussion about what I have been thinking about and working on for Discussion Bucks. With all the stuff going on in the paid to post space right now, I thought it would be a good idea to write up something to let members know that I am not even thinking about closing Discussion Bucks. Or dropping the paid to post part of the site.

One area that is coming soon is the paid offers changes.
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It will be on the same idea as it was before. But something will be automactically done. Like D-Buck payments for one.

The next thing I am working on and looking at is forum to forum pay in credits. As some of you may know, I own a few other forums. One of them is Peak Forum. Which is a general discussion forum. The idea is to be able to pay you in D-Bucks for posts on those other forums.

This kind of explains it a little.
Each forum will have it's own events and user can get credits. I want to be able to move the credits from all forums to DB.

DB forum: User has 100 credits
Other forum 1: Same user has 50 credits
Other forum 2: Same user has 25 credits

Each forum has 2 types of currencies. Once the user wants to move the credits from forum 1 to the paid to post forum, he/she would move the 1st currency to the 2nd currency on forum 1. Then that 2nd currency is moved to the paid to post forum 2nd currency. Then they can move it to the 1st currency. The 1st currency on the paid to post forum is how the user get real cash.

So each forum you would earn on and then be able to move all your credits to D-Bucks and then get paid.

So some questions I am asking myself is, what should I make the posting rates at on these other forums? I mean a general discussion forum is alot easier to post on then a place like DB. Rules for your posting can be more relaxed then here on DB. Maintaining what we have here is very important. I am also thinking about taking the route of that Forum Race has. To enter this paid to post thing, you need to pay a one time fee. Each site I add, you pay a fee to get into the paid group I guess I will call it for now. Or have a flat fee for all the forums.

So this is just things I wanted you to know about. I need to revamp the account upgrades as well. Get more people interested in buying them. I have already added 6 months and 1 year subs to bronze, silver, and gold. And added a new member helper.
This is an open topic to chat in about these things. One of you may help shape a few things in these ideas.

Well thanks for reading and being great members here at Discussion Bucks.

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I will wait for others before I say something. Thanks for the info, admin,
Something comes to mind, feel free to comment. :) And that is if anyone else says anything.
I will wait for the paid offers, would it be possible the one that we did last time the paid offer introduced by @Devin on Auto Buyers? About the Gold Supporter upgrade, I did it before but I only gained a little. My earnings did not even reach $14.
What would be your fees to be a part of paid offer? I hope that it is nominal and more users can afford to be a part of it. An active community is needed for sustainable site.
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I don't see any PayPal option. Is that not available? I would like to go for 1.99 dollars per month. I have time constraints and so would go for this minimum one.
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What would be your fees to be a part of paid offer? I hope that it is nominal and more users can afford to be a part of it. An active community is needed for sustainable site.
No fees for paid offers.
I am in support of the paid offers. And I am also in support of getting membership to be part of the paid offers. For paid offers rates, we should be earning half a cent since it is general discussion niche.

@fords8, for those paid offers, there should be modalities to ensure that people don't spam those forums.

And also, what happened to character count requirements to earn on Discussion Bucks here? It seems that is no longer working. It was 100 characters for a post and 250 characters for a thread. I think that should be enforced to prevent all the spam threads and posts that are springing up in quantum on the forum.
I will do a video on the paid offers. And show you it. No membership is needed for paid offers as I stated above. And I never said anything in the 1st post of paid offers being membership based. Read the paid offers section.

I wanted to start a discussion about what I have been thinking about and working on for Discussion Bucks. With all the stuff going on in the paid to post space right now, I thought it would be a good idea to write up something to let members know that I am not even thinking about closing Discussion Bucks. Or dropping the paid to post part of the site.

One area that is coming soon is the paid offers changes.



It will be on the same idea as it was before. But something will be automactically done. Like D-Buck payments for one.
I will do a video and a new post about it. Just to make sure everyone understands it. Again we had paid offers before, but they were done in a topic/post format.

I want to be able to move the credits from all forums to DB.
So, you want to introduce a feature where users can move their earned credits on your other sites to DB to be able to withdraw it?
I think this is really a good idea, it will also boost activities on your other forums. I think the part causing the confusion is where you made mention of joining the paid group @fords8
Maybe you can throw more light on that.
So, you want to introduce a feature where users can move their earned credits on your other sites to DB to be able to withdraw it?
From other forums I own. Not all forums.

So if you have an account on DB, Peak, and DebateHQ and have credits on all three. You do some posting to earn on all three forums. Basicly you will be able to move your credits from DebateHQ and Peak to DB. And then get paid here on DB with D-Bucks.

I am in starting stage of this. I already bought the credit/shop mods for alot of my forums. Have to set things up. Going to try to have it setup so users will be able to press a button to move the credits to DB from each site. See where it goes. I could do this myself. But I would like it so most of it is automatic.

Could be cool and a way for everyone to earn a few extra bucks every month. This is where I am thinking of a one time membership would kick in. Not sure yet!

This has nothing to do with paid offers. Just in case people want to know.
JohnNuzumaLatest member