Do you believe that technology can help solve global problems such as poverty, hunger, disease and climate change?

Jan 13, 2024
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What are the main technological solutions that exist or are being developed for these problems? What are the risks and limitations of these solutions? How can we promote a fair and sustainable distribution of the benefits of technology for everyone?
To answer the question on your title, I believe it is very possible for technology to solve these problems if done the right way.
I also really believe that technology can solve more problems around the world, from the healthcare aspect that already has several projects underway to the security aspect that some countries still lack this organization.
Technology would bring about new opportunities that would enhance the earning potential of people. That's poverty solved. Biotechnology helps in the production of more abundant food. Hunger solved. Technology is the solution to the problems of the world.
In a way, yes, if it were only used for good, in the hands of the world's controllers it wouldn't be cool, we just hope that good always prevails.
Technology is solving problems in every sector of the global economy. Technology is creating more jobs virtually and on site that has helped to solve poverty and hunger.

Data analysis using technology is used in creating solutions in the health sector to solve problems there.
Technology can solve a lot of problems, provided one use it in right way, let's take the example of A.I when people use it for article writing, they usually miss use this modern technology as they give prompt and get complete article and paste it on the place where they are supposed to write original content. On the other hand if they would have to take some sense of the topic and then write in their own words then it would be much more better.
There's no doubt technology can solve a problem. It could help fix something erroneous in a construction. It suggests productivity, business empowerment outsources of building fundamentals and through it there's Artificial Intelligence that boosts productivity and risidual profits if used it properly.
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