Do You Check the Price Before Purchasing?

Oct 3, 2023
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I've gotten more practical since the coronavirus pandemic began. It made me understand how difficult it is to not have any savings in your bank account. I spent the majority of my money on clothes and other frivolous items. I now check the pricing of an item before purchasing it. I usually compare costs to determine which is the most affordable.
Hell yeah i check the price before i purchase things, i even check price difference in other stores and compare it before buying anything.
Yes. It is a good idea to compare prices before purchasing. We must be more practical these days :)
I almost always pay attention to the cost. Last week, I was very fortunate. I was at the grocery store. The produce is almost always expensive. I almost ignored the produce section but something told me to take a peek. There were tons of produce on clearance for 99 cents a box. I bought 4 boxes of salad greens, 4 boxes of mushrooms and a bag of grapefruit (although the grapefruit looks like tangerines) so I am not sure.
One thing I hate most is going to get something, only to get there and see that I do not have enough capital to purchase it. So I always check the price even before leaving the house to at least have an idea about it.
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