Do you consider a bit by bit repayment or debts by a debtor to be useless?

Oct 3, 2023
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So yesterday I had to settle a quarrel between my landlord and a co tenant. The co tenant said he doesn't have the whole rent to pay at once but she was going to pay bit by bit till she finishes paying. The landlord was very angry saying that the tenant paying bit by bit would not make the money useful to him.

Is it true that debts or any repayment being done bit by bit in installment is a waste to the recipient?
Most people have plans for their money and when they get it in bits, it makes no meaning to them. For someone that wanted to do a capital project, getting the money back in bits won't help him or her with that project.
In cases such as debts that are paid bit by bit, of course everyone will have different opinions, but personally I agree that if he can only afford it in installments, it means the debtor has good intentions to pay off their debt, he can leave valuables as collateral.
While it might not be very convenient for the lender, it would always be something that he or she has to manage especially if the financial conditions of the borrower is not really been that good.
It's not a bad idea, however the landlord could add a small interest, but if not it's also better that way than escaping payment. There's should be understanding to the struggling debtor.
So many people don't seem to understand that people are really struggling. Adding n interest might compound the misery of the young man. Maybe, the landlord wanted to use the money for a project.
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