Do you feel reluctant to pay debts?

King Belieal

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There are some people that would always be come so that you lend money to them. But it always seems painful to them when they have to payback.

Do you always feel pained when repaying your debts? I always budget to pay my debts immediately money enters.

Why do you people feel reluctant to pay debts?
There is a customer owing me some cash and it seems she is reluctant to pay me cause she feels she does not need the work right now. To me I see this as wickedness.
There is a customer owing me some cash and it seems she is reluctant to pay me cause she feels she does not need the work right now. To me I see this as wickedness.
That is why you should try to always get at least 70% of your charges from a client before you begin to work.
I did not feel reluctant to pay my debts. After settling each one, I understood the value of being responsible and felt a sense of relief. Finally, being debt-free was such a weight off my shoulders. It is very true what they say: that debts can keep you sleepless at night. LOL.
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