Do you have or make use of a budgeting app?


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Sep 21, 2023
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Do you have a budgeting app on your smartphone you make use of that helps you plan how to Budget your fiance or do you know any good app you can recommend to someone else
I have my own budgetting manual and I am doing this to monitor the flow of my expenses and compare - contrast the old and new prices to get the the downside of the comparisons. What you suggested a budgetting app is also feasible.
I am currently using the Money+ Cute Expense Tracker app. It doesn't have anything remarkable about it; I just adore its cuteness. It has the right number of features to meet my needs without being overly complex. Even so, I still prefer utilizing my actual financial planner binder.
I have my own budgetting manual and I am doing this to monitor the flow of my expenses and compare - contrast the old and new prices to get the the downside of the comparisons. What you suggested a budgetting app is also feasible.

There are many different kinds of budgeting applications that are available on android. In fact, many such kind of applications are actually created by people of my own country. Such kind of apps are also advertised as well on YouTube channels. However, I do not use them. I make my budgeting plans manually.
I don't use budgeting app . I find it quite difficult and boring to use those app. I prefer to write down and do my calculations myself. It seems more real to my me and makes me to think very fast . Most of the apps makes calculations very easy but it i simply don't like it.
I don't have a budgeting app. I prefer to use my writing pad on the phone to do all my budgeting. I have never even used a budgeting app, I might give one a try and see. Maybe it will work well for me.
I don't have a budgeting app. I prefer to use my writing pad on the phone to do all my budgeting. I have never even used a budgeting app, I might give one a try and see. Maybe it will work well for me.

I do not even use a pad in order to record my budget. In fact, I calculate mu budget and store it in my memory. I do not have a really huge budgeting plan. This is why I tend to never write it down. In the past, I used to utilise certain applications in order to manage my expenditures.
I do not have an app to guide me in budgeting. It's mine and have the full authority on how to budget my money . I budget my money by doing the " Do List." I also do partial calculations of the total expenses I will incur in a one time shopping.
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