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Do you have phone addiction?

Well maybe yes since I don't remember a day where I did not used my phone for a whole day what about you ?
Same here, i really don't remember the day i never used my phone, to be honest even if i am busy at work i check my phone several times and i think all of us are addicted to our phones.
Sometimes when I am not well due to insomnia or other reasons I may forget to switch on one or more phones, since I receive very few phone calls and messages.
Even though I have never tried living a day without a phone, it seems that I don't have a phone addiction, and maybe I can live for days without a phone, but I would be confused if I didn't have a device to access the internet.
I have actually lived for days without phone and I was forced to do so because my phone got fault at a point in time.I was just clueless during these days because I am always glued to my phone
Yes I think it's safe to say I have a phone addiction, but I guess the good thing about it is that majority of the times I am usually using the phone for one work or the other.
Yes I think it's safe to say I have a phone addiction, but I guess the good thing about it is that majority of the times I am usually using the phone for one work or the other.
I don't think that it can be called an addiction because, for example, people who work on cars are not called addicted because of it
The use of mobile phones is often perceived as an addiction, but in reality, it is more of a necessity. I rely heavily on my phone for work-related tasks, communication with loved ones, and accessing vital information on the go. Thus, I cannot just refer to it as an addiction. It is more of a need that I cannot do without.
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