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Do you have your workers reprimanded privately or publicly?


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Sep 5, 2023
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Mistakes are definitely bound to happen in any working place. As long as human beings are employed to work, they will commit errors once in a while. How do you go about having your workers reprimanded?

Do you reprimand them publicly so that everyone else will take correction and notice about the error for them not to commit it again or do you reprimand the staff privately and repeat the same thing over and over again with other workers?
I don't have workers yet, but when I do I think it would be best to do it publicly if the situation calls for it, this would prevent others from making the same mistakes. Then there are some issues I might want to handle privately.
I handled 15 people when I was in the Customer Service business industry supporting telecom account. When my people made mistake whether the whole team heard about it, I still reprimand in private. I don't want that person to feel bad. Most of the time when people get this warning publicly, they become insecure, this will affect their daily productivity/performance.
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