Do you know you can sell your own custom recipe as a caterer?

King Belieal

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As a caterer, there are many ways to make money and one way though is selling your own recipes. If you are that sound, you can develop recipes that no one has ever seen and sell it on license to a particular fast food or eatery. They would be paying you royalties for using that your recipe to prepare meals or snacks as the case may be.
It seems to be a very good business idea. But how will prevent scrupulous people from stealing your receipe without paying. This kind of innovation may be appreciated in western countries but Africa especially Nigeria, you will regret trying such.😭😭😭😭
You can sell it as a license to an eatery for instance and have them trademark the recipe and get a patent for it. With that arrangement, you would sell to the highest bidder.
I have a friend that developed a recipe for a cake and licensed it to a popular fast food restaurant in my country. It has been making the guy lots of money because the recipe is excellent.
Oh wow this is what creative mind can do for us. it would help you to make money in a lot easier way
precioussaimaLatest member