Do you need a specific business experience to start the business

Fo me , experience is not needed because that happens to me. I don't have experience in a business selling milk tea. I believe it also follows to others as long as there is confidence and capital.
I think so too you know some people have also succeeded in a business they never had the slightest experience with.
I think so too you know some people have also succeeded in a business they never had the slightest experience with.
That's right but others like security so they approached a skilled business operator to get ideas on how to operate a business first time.
I don't have experience in big business. I only experienced a small one which was selling candies when I was 11 years old. I have a business now that I never thought it would happen considering no experience of it which is milk tea selling business.
It depends on the kind of business though, there are some that does not need experience, but having one would be an added experience for you. Then there are other businesses where experience plays a major role.
That depends on what kind of business you are going to start. For a general small business, I do not think it is necessary to have much experience. You need passion, persistence and basic marketing and financial knowledge. But if you start a technology business, you may need specific experience in that particular field.
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