Do you need top professionals with ego or teachable non professionals as staff for your business?

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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One issue that really affects businesses is staffing for your business. The level and attitude of your staff would greatly determine how far your business would go.

Given a choice to make between hiring top professionals but with pride, arrogance and ego and people who are not professionals but are humble and willing to learn. Which one would you choose?

Remember that the top professionals would deliver and boost your business very quickly while the humble non professionals would take ample time to blend in.
For me, I would choose the top professionals and deploy strong man management methods.
I think it all boils down to finding the right person, cause the truth of the matter is that even if you decide to train your own workers, they can still develop pride from there. But finding the right person who never do this. These days it's not easy finding these kind of people though.
I think it all boils down to finding the right person, cause the truth of the matter is that even if you decide to train your own workers, they can still develop pride from there. But finding the right person who never do this. These days it's not easy finding these kind of people though.
It is not about developing pride from there. We are talking about personalities that a business owner can work with. Would you easily work with that staff you trained to a professional level and he becomes proud? Would you sack him or her?
The worst kind of people you can employ is those with pride and ballooned ego. These set of human beings can run down your business because of their selfish behavior. I prefer to employ humble non professional staff. At least they can treat customers with respect and humility.
My take is that if the situation at your business needs urgent results, you would have to manage the arrogant guy that can give you the results just like that. Let him deliver the results and if you can't put up with him thereafter, you let him go. If the situation has much time to spare, you get the teachable person and let him or her learn on the job.
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