Do you pay your staff?


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Sep 29, 2023
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Do you have staff on your site? Do you pay them or are they volunteer? Well, I don;t have any staff at the moment, but I used to pay them when I had staff in the past. I do not like the idea of making people work for free
All these people didn't read the post before commenting. The post was talking about staff of a site.

Well, I am a paid staff here and I am not paid. But I have been placed on a special incentive program that is meant for just staff.
I think if you decide to pay your staff then everything must be clarified from the beginning when hiring staff members or saying from the beginning it is a volunteer work that depends on your case. Not hire for paid position then not pay. If there is delay on payments it must be also clarified to staff team and users.
I have an offline business and I employ relatives as trusted employees, of course I pay them properly and they often even get bonuses, but everything is recorded neatly, which is useful for reducing business taxes.
You are a good person since the big majority of people especially parents think that when you employ your children on your office you don't pay them salary because you provide them food and also you provide them place to sleep at night, while other children that doesn't work on your company get the same privileges. I am against employ someone for free even if it is your child.
You are a good person since the big majority of people especially parents think that when you employ your children on your office you don't pay them salary because you provide them food and also you provide them place to sleep at night, while other children that doesn't work on your company get the same privileges. I am against employ someone for free even if it is your child.
I agree with you, we have to pay people, whoever they are, when they have given their energy to help our business, so that we can also make real profits without having to exploit other people's energy.
Paying staff is crucial for any business, very few people want to work for free, we could call that volunteering, so paying staff is very important if you want a committed and hardworking team.
Paying staff is crucial for any business, very few people want to work for free, we could call that volunteering, so paying staff is very important if you want a committed and hardworking team.
They may work for example for some months for free but during the time they say they dedicate a lot of their time to the project and admin is punny saver so they resign from staff job and therefore admin could lose a lot of good elements that where good staff just to not pay them some funds every month for dedicate time for their website.
They may work for example for some months for free but during the time they say they dedicate a lot of their time to the project and admin is punny saver so they resign from staff job and therefore admin could lose a lot of good elements that where good staff just to not pay them some funds every month for dedicate time for their website.
Many websites do not pay their staff and the staff is voluntary, I don't think the staff will last long doing the work for free while the admin takes the benefits of the work, if you don't have an incentive to work for, you will not be motivated.
lincolnowenLatest member