Do you prefer locally made products or imported ones?


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Sep 28, 2023
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I prefer both; however, when it comes to skin care, since I have sensitive skin, I prefer imported products as I only use specific brands.
How about you?
I both use them, but for imported products, they are always sent to me by my nieces in the UK and best friends in California and Mexico. I never buy imported products in the mall. I am not so sure of their authenticities.
Local products are proven legit because before they're processed the BFAD must approve it. Companies processing a product must invite the health personnel to give details on the contents of the products especially the chemicals.
I prefer both; however, when it comes to skin care, since I have sensitive skin, I prefer imported products as I only use specific brands.
How about you?
I use Indian goods and herbal products made in India for my skin. Imported goods here are too costly and electronic gadgets have no service center here.
I enjoy them both, but lately, I prefer buying products that are made locally. I think it's important to support local companies, especially cosmetic brands.
That's the whole idea we need to patronise locals to grow our local industries to make them outstanding too.
For me I do not really have any kind of specifications though. If I see something I like, I simply go for it as long as I can afford it. I don't mind if it's locally made or imported.
i always prefer the locally made ones. I try to patronise my own country. you need to grow your locality
That's the spirit. I try to patronize locally made products because I also produce and expect people to patronize me locally too.
I usually prefer local products, only for domain names I am forced to use non-indian companies because some indian internet companies are extremely ruthless in betraying their customers, destroying their life completely.
Imported products already have a disadvantage of being insanely expensive. That's why I don't prefer to buy them except when it is absolutely necessary and I can't find a viable local alternative.
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