Do you really love bitcoins


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Oct 2, 2023
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For me l do like it but not surprising, another one user who treat Bitcoin as their God and willing to die for Bitcoin.
if the government threatens to arrest people who hold Bitcoin, then I don't give a fuck because I use no KYC P2P and never send my personal document, so I'm safe!
As for family member that need financial support, just use your brain to answer that, if you're stingy and not happy to help anyone including your closest family, then you can choose to not give your money for that matter.
It is wrong to love money whether electronic or paper money. Love of money have pushed many into different crimes and dubious behaviors. Money should be seen as a means or a medium to an end.
Agreed; Bitcoin - like money in general - is neither good nor bad; it is simply a tool.
It is the use of said tool that matters.
Many people take Bitcoin as a religion, and it is one more asset that has many innovative and empowering characteristics, which can make you sovereign over your own money, in my case I don't love it, but I need it, it's that easy.
At present I've got about $100 invested in cryptocurrency --- (the division) $50 in Bitcoin, $25 in Ethereum and $25 in Solana
And all I basically did was chip in $5 and $10 in each time.
Are you earning it back? I would that is a huge investment already but if you are earning from it, maybe you can double the investment. I am just worry about the investment so I am very careful about it.
Even though I have been using Bitcoin for more than 10 years, but
For me Bitcoin is just an investment instrument so it is no different from stocks, bonds etc., we cannot deify money or Bitcoin so that we will lose our common sense. Be a wise investor and be able to make a profit.
Are you earning it back? I would that is a huge investment already but if you are earning from it, maybe you can double the investment. I am just worry about the investment so I am very careful about it.
I treat it the same way that I would stocks and other investments, as a long-term investment that I can, years from now, hopefully rely on to some degree in my latter years.
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