Do you remember what made you fail on your first business ever started?


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Oct 2, 2023
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For me l tried out the business venture by starting a grocery store in my village. The business thrived in the first couple of months and then it collapsed. l then tried out once more and another trial too but l still lost.
For me the problem was that l had never got a strategic location that has the availability of the sufficient market for the business.
What about you? What made your start up fail?
My current business is the first business I ever started, though I have made lots of mistakes, and may probably make more in the future, but I am learning from the ones I have made so far.
Fund starved my businessman. if i have enough fund, i will simply relocate to more strategic location. Therefore, from experience, my first business failed because of fund and lack of strategic location.
Nothing kills a business faster than lack of funds. Funding is needed st the start of a business and intermittently too to run it to succeess
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