Do you save in cash, in the bank or in assets?


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I haven't saved in cash or banks for a long time, I save everything in physical assets, such as silver coins, and digital assets such as digital gold, Bitcoin among others, I don't like to save in fiat money due to high inflation and I prefer to have my money saved or invested in assets, and even less to have it in the bank...
I save money in three banks. I want to have my money safe from risks. Despite banks give peanut interest at least it's there safe. I will invest it once I find the right investment.
What is the inflation rate in your country?
What is the inflation rate in your country?
The latest information inflation rate in the Philippines is 3%. The other month 2%. The government informed the people that my country earned additional 6.5 % increased of our economy this month.
The latest information inflation rate in the Philippines is 3%. The other month 2%. The government informed the people that my country earned additional 6.5 % increased of our economy this month.
I understand, if inflation is very high, having the money in the bank is not risk-free either, but hey, that inflation is controllable if your bank rewards you with some interest.
I understand, if inflation is very high, having the money in the bank is not risk-free either, but hey, that inflation is controllable if your bank rewards you with some interest.
The banks seldom give a handsome interest to depositors even if it is a time deposit. However our money is intact there regardless of a peanut interest.
I'm not a fan of leaving my money in banks because they use it themselves to make their own profits, but everyone has their own vision, I prefer to invest my money, but of course I'm a born risk taker.
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