Do you shampoo your hair everyday?

Sep 25, 2023
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Shampoo is another product we personally use. It's also observed that this product is also insanely expensive. We also do not buy a shampoo that lacks it's name in the market and user. Because of this happening many refrain shampooing their hair daily.

Some ladies who commute wear something to cover their hair from dust if not they will keep on scratching their heads from the culprit itch. Though it is also not advisable to shampoo the hair everyday apart from getting expensive this time, it could possibly damage the hair causing a hair fall.

In my case, I still shampoo my hair everyday but being diluted with water to save. Money is hard to produce and never grows on a tree. What about you?
Even though my hair is short, I always use shampoo every day, especially when I shower in the evening or after work.
It's also very comfortable to shampoo our hair daily. My hair is below the shoulder line and it also requires daily shampooing.
When bathing I wash my hair, but I do not use shampoo every single day, there are days where I just use a regular soap.
Wow, you are doing it right. Your hair will remain sturdy. A study found out that using a body soap for hair never turns your hair grey.
The price of shampoo is high, so I have decided to shampoo less frequently. In addition, over-shampooing can be harmful to hair, as I have learned from a beauty expert.
That is right, I also learned it from my gay friend who manages a beauty parlor that frequent use of shampoo can damage the hair and scalp. I shampoo my hair at one day interval,
As I have oily hair, I need to shampoo my hair every day, in particular in summer. In winter, if the weather is extremely cold, I shampoo my hair every other day.
Your hair is unique oily so your hair looks glossy. You're lucky to have a glossy hair one in a million hair. There is no need for you to apply a hair conditioner. My hair needs a hair conditioner. I also waxed my hair to look glossy.
Wow, you are doing it right. Your hair will remain sturdy. A study found out that using a body soap for hair never turns your hair grey.
Really? That's awesome then thank you for the tip.
No, I don't use shampoo every day, every 2 days is the best in my case due to my hair type, I have also gone months without using it, it depends on the time of year.
Really? That's awesome then thank you for the tip.
You are welcome, also, you have to dilute your shampoo with water should there be a time you will use a shampoo.
Your hair is unique oily so your hair looks glossy. You're lucky to have a glossy hair one in a million hair. There is no need for you to apply a hair conditioner. My hair needs a hair conditioner. I also waxed my hair to look glossy.
Oil hair also has its problems. The hair get sticky easily. Not comfortable especially in summer.
Oil hair also has its problems. The hair get sticky easily. Not comfortable especially in summer.
Oh, I see. There is a need to shampoo your hair everyday. It's not comfortable having sticky hair. You cover your hair when you travel.
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