Do you think staying single is the solution for achieving the ones financial freedom?

Being married means teamwork. The couple must decide and plan what to do to improve their finances. Being single doest not guarantee financial freedom unless the single person has a good job, acquired business and passive income. It's a case to case though.
It's easier to achieve financial freedom if you stay single. If you are married, you can still achieve financial freedom, especially if you belong to the DINK (Double Income No Kids) group.
Strongly agree. In any way, if we stay single, we shouldn't find ourselves (whenever possible, obviously) in circumstances compelling us to support John, Jerry and Jack Doe to achieve financial freedom (or, better said, financial independence). If we belong to the DINK (as my husband and I), the same thing above, but we must be aware to have chosen a spouse who shares our financial life vision.
I think it depends on the kind of person you partner with in this thing called love. Being in a relationship with a team player is the best thing that can happen to you. A team player builds with you, they partner with you and help boost the financial status you both posses.
A team player builds with you, they partner with you and help boost the financial status you both posses.
It should be such a way. Unfortunately, a lot of time goes the other way round and the partner leaves you poorer than before. That's why is essential to find a spouse who shares your same financial vision.
I have realized nowadays running a family of life like two or three children really needs a lot of money especially on the education part of the story. What do you think?
You are right! The economy is bad and there is high level of inflation. It is difficult for one person to feed himself alone then to talk more of feeding a family. I think one should born how many he will be able to train.
It is not a matter of staying single. Even if you are married and the person understands the need for financial planning as much as you, the two of you are good to go.
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