Do you think technology can improve the quality of life of people with disabilities?

Technology not only improves the quality of life of people with disabilities. It also makes them to feel included in the grand scheme of things by giving them access to utilities that they hitherto been denied by their disabilities. Voice Assistants is helping people with disabilities to make use of smartphones.
Voice Activated Payment Systems is helping to give people with disabilities financial inclusion as they can make transactions with their voices.
Yes I believe so, the main idea for the creation of technology in the first place was to make life a lot easier. So if used the right way, I believe this can be achieved.
Hearing aids are being used to amplify sounds and implanted in the ears of people that cannot hear. I know of people that have been able to hear for the first time in their lives using these hearing aids. Screen readers et all. They all have come to make the lives of people living with disabilities much better.
Technology plays very important and good role in medical science. When someone is disabled he feel very depression, he feel that he is out of this environment he does not suit it. But due to these supportive devices disable people sometimes forget their disability.
Yeah, without a doubt. In many different ways, technology is transforming the lives of those with disabilities. People with disabilities can now enjoy more self-sufficient, accessible, and meaningful lives thanks to technology.
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