Do you think that you can avoid risks on investments?

There's no risk free investment. Prices fluctuate so expect your profit to be fluctuating too. It's better not to push an investment when the prices of stocks are high you'll find it hard to gain. Wait for the right time. That's how to avoid risk.
Zero risk investments simply don't exist. It exists low and very low risk investments (where basically the risk is the loss of interests or the inflation above the interests that implies the loss of purchasing power), that's recommendable for newbies and investors who can't afford to lose the amount invested.
Risks is part of life itself and it is something that you can't avoid in finances. Starting a business is a risk, running an investment is a risk but you have to calculate the risks and weigh them properly to see if you would stand a chance to gain from the risks.
Investing in government bonds and securities is low risk, especially if you live in a financially stable country. However the returns on low risk investments are also lower compared to other options
I believe that you truly cannot completely eliminate the risk associated with investing, regardless of the size of the investment. Even conservative or insured investments come with an inflation risk.
Risk is inevitable in business. We cannot forsee the future events like the extended rate of inflation, damages , low or fluctuating stocks , losing a trading bet, and the inevitable work of nature like flash flood that may wash away your logging investment.
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