Do You Use a Laptop or a PC?


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Oct 3, 2023
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When I was younger, my dad bought a PC so we can use it for school. We upgraded when laptops started to become popular since they are more convenient to use. I have been using a laptop for over a decade and I love the fact that I can bring it anywhere I go. It is portable, without a doubt. Plus, I can multitask without a hitch. Do you use a PC or a laptop?
I use a laptop. Got it when I was doing my academic project in college. Laptops give you that convenience to do your computer based works on the go. And you don't even need an electrician source to use your laptop.
When I was younger, my dad bought a PC so we can use it for school. We upgraded when laptops started to become popular since they are more convenient to use. I have been using a laptop for over a decade and I love the fact that I can bring it anywhere I go. It is portable, without a doubt. Plus, I can multitask without a hitch. Do you use a PC or a laptop?
I started by using a laptop but took my training on a desk top. I have a PC at home but seldom use it.
A laptop is much more convenient than a desktop.
True, with a laptop you can simply carry it anywhere and go on with your work, modern laptop these days are not even heavy so people won't even know when you are carrying one.
I am using both laptop and PC but. most of the time am using laptop because it's convenient to use.
I'm currently using a desktop.

Desktop setups can be more ergonomic, especially for extended periods of use. Users can choose their keyboard, mouse, monitor, and chair, allowing for a more comfortable and personalized workstation.
I'm so accustomed to it by now.
Exactly, its easy to carry around and it can run even if there is no power.
That's the reason I like using a laptop. However my laptop is quite old and if it gives up I shall use my desktop which don't give up easily.
That's the reason I like using a laptop. However my laptop is quite old and if it gives up I shall use my desktop which don't give up easily.
Same with my laptop, its old and the battery is dead, i was planning to change it but the price is not that easy.
I use the desktop PC. Before, I had (because of a problem of mine it was confiscated) a smatrphone for when I was away from home, with which I could still do practically the same things as with the PC.
Same with my laptop, its old and the battery is dead, i was planning to change it but the price is not that easy.
Here in India too laptops are quite costly. I therefore don't want to invest anymore at this old age but will use the desktop.
Here in India too laptops are quite costly. I therefore don't want to invest anymore at this old age but will use the desktop.
I know investing in Laptop could be hard, but who knows? You may get money that you didn't expect. Let's hope for good.
I have a laptop and have always preferred a laptop as I can take it anywhere.
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