Does getting married would stabilize a man's financial life- True or False?

King Belieal

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A friend of mine wants to get married pretty soon. And I asked him why he wants to marry and he said that he wants to stabilize his financial life.

I am at awe here. How can someone getting married stabilize financial life as a man? Is there something I am missing? I thought marriage puts a financial burden on a man?
I am scared of getting married and part of the reason for that is because of the financial burden that it involves. I don't know how it stabilizes a man financially.
In general it is true, when you are single, you are free and no one forbids you to spend your income in just one night, but after marriage there is control from your wife and you also have the responsibility to fulfill the needs of your family, so every penny you will spend you have to think twice.
Usually married men are preferred for promotions and bonuses in companies compared to female colleagues who may be equally capable. When I had a job, my female colleague was complaining that female employees are often overlooked, with managers claiming that they do not require the money, while married men have a family to support.
A friend of mine wants to get married pretty soon. And I asked him why he wants to marry and he said that he wants to stabilize his financial life.

I am at awe here. How can someone getting married stabilize financial life as a man? Is there something I am missing? I thought marriage puts a financial burden on a man?
I think he maybe contemplating a big amount of dowry from the woman's family or think of marrying a woman who earns well.
Getting married means more responsibilities, in other words you would be spending more as well. You are not longer taking care of just yourself, but you now have an extra mouth to care for. Who you marry on the other hand determines how your financial life would be.
This time if it is only the husband working is hard but if his salary is more than enough there is nothing to worry. However, it is crucial if they have two or three kids they will surely be struggling to budget. It is best to have only one child.
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