Does having kids with different women affect the financial life of a man negatively?

Oct 3, 2023
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I met a man that was telling me how he pays child support to his three sisters baby mamas. I couldn't help but pity him because each woman demanded what she feels would be okay for her.

At the end of it, the man's salary is always finished on child support.

What I want to ask is if someone has to pay more child support if he has kids with multiple women. Is it financially better paying for child support having kids with one woman?
Having to divide your earnings between two families is a complex situation that can easily paralyze anyone financially. You could easily bulk it up if it is with one family.
Financial and psychological, it destroys a man's life and well being. Apart from financial aspect, such men don't have peace of mind and always in state of dilemma. If a man is not mentally stable, how can he make money!?
That's right, such men don't have even stable mental health. The finance will be divided and that will be a huge problem to him.
Raising kids with multiple women can have a significant impact on your financial stability. Each child has unique needs, and each mother makes specific demands. These women may take advantage of you, and it can be challenging to manage the financial burden that comes with it. It's better to have a committed relationship with one woman and ensure that you can provide for her and her children. This approach can ease the financial strain and ensure a stable family environment for everyone involved.
In my opinion, as men, we have to pay for every child or be given an allowance every month. If a man doesn't want to pay child support then he just wants to feel good and is not responsible for all his children from different women. Many men become bankrupt because they have many children from different women. So I think it would be better to only have one wife with many children.
In my opinion, as men, we have to pay for every child or be given an allowance every month. If a man doesn't want to pay child support then he just wants to feel good and is not responsible for all his children from different women. Many men become bankrupt because they have many children from different women. So I think it would be better to only have one wife with many children.
In this present economy, it is not advisable to have many children. It will be economic burden. Three or four is okay.
With the way things are, anyone that has more than two children is sitting on a financial time bomb. Kids are very expensive to cater for. I as a person would have loved to avoid them but I truly can't.
With the way things are, anyone that has more than two children is sitting on a financial time bomb. Kids are very expensive to cater for. I as a person would have loved to avoid them but I truly can't.
Haha please don't svoud them. you would enjoy them better as they grow up but yeah having msny children is a burden m
In my opinion, you need to think about whether you need a child and whether you will be able to provide for it in the future, and I am not saying that there may be several of them. Although sometimes such a situation can become a motivation for new achievements
Yes I believe it does, then again it would also affect the lives of the children cause to be honest you won't be able to focus on all of them equally.
Yes more like it would affect the man financially and affect the children emotionally as the msn would not be there for all of them.
Yes more like it would affect the man financially and affect the children emotionally as the msn would not be there for all of them.
Exactly, this is why we have cases of some children not growing up with certain morals. The bad part about this is that some of the children would grow up and continue in this line.
Exactly, this is why we have cases of some children not growing up with certain morals. The bad part about this is that some of the children would grow up and continue in this line.
That's right at your last line. Some might see it as the way to go and the bad chain continues. We just have to halt such as it is not only detrimental to the family but to the society as well
That's right at your last line. Some might see it as the way to go and the bad chain continues. We just have to halt such as it is not only detrimental to the family but to the society as well
Exactly, some of the things most people call or tag as generational curses are simply the wrong things they have shown their children.
Of course, its better to pay for a child from one mother than to pay for more than one child from more than one mother, but its better not to have the divorce in the first place.
Divorces sometimes are things we fight against but it happens nonetheless. But to be divorced twice and you have to pay child support for the two families, it is almost like you would never prosper in life unless you are a celebrity.
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