I think yes I buy honey for this guy he has natural honey the most interesting part is that he asks to leave money and pick honey when you pay I wonder how nobody steals it lol of course you need equipment space but honey is quite demanding especially natural
For me l bet that the honey selling is a very great business especially dealing with the original honey. That's because most people are faking the product so much.
Honey selling is a very profitable business. Here in our malls, the. customers are busy buying big or small bottles of honey. I am among buyers of honey weekly.
Honey is needed by many people, I personally also often drink honey mixed with milk and eggs, but currently it will be difficult to find honey with a little mixture, most of the honey is fake, too much sugar mixture. So if you can provide pure honey with a very little mixture, of course many people will hunt for it and you will quickly make a big profit.
Selling honey could be profitable depending on your supplier if the source is pure honey. You can sell through retail. You need to sacrifice retaining cans of honey.
The honey business continues to be profitable even today. Although it was more popular in the past, there are still opportunities to sell honey online and offline. To succeed in this business, it is vital to effectively promote your honey products and establish a solid reputation to attract customers.
I don't know about now in my country, but back then selling of honey used to be very lucrative, these days people still sell but probably not like before. It's also possible that there are places that still has high demand for it which I am not aware of.
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