Does opening too many tabs on a browser slow down the browser?


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Dec 1, 2023
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I see some people opening as much as 100 tabs on a browser at a go. I always feel that it would affect the smooth running of the browser as it might be a bit slow trying to load all those multiple tabs.

Would having too many tabs open in a browser slow the browser's functionality?
Well, I have the habit to open dozens of tabs in all my devices cause online tasks, banking, online purchasing and researches :ROFLMAO: . I cannot help😁. But only my old devices slow down (the ones purchased until 2013, lacking a SSD). It's also to say Linux devices are less prone to slow down, despite the obsolescence (my Toshiba Sat running Ubuntu, purchased in 2014, doesn't slow down too much despite the dozens of opened tabs, while its Windows cousin is a foolishness, considering how much it freezes:ROFLMAO:). About the mobiles: they are well featured, so they support as many tabs as I want.
When working online, I always open several tabs on one browser, I even often open another browser if I have to open a site with VPN, even though it reduces internet power but if you use high internet or Mbps at least 35mbps your internet will not be disturbed.
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