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Don't let anyone intimidate you


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Sep 21, 2023
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Graphic designing is a wonderful skill to have, it is lucrative and the opportunities are simply endless. While this sector can be pretty competitive, one major problem we have is that it can be intimidating especially for beginners. I always prefer to call myself and amateur as there is still so much I need to learn. There was a time I made a design and posted it on one of the Facebook page for graphic designers in my country. For me the creator, I actually loved the design but it was looked down on by the others and I was so discouraged to the point that I had to put it down. The moment you allow your self get intimidated, or let these harsh words get to you, it would be extremely hard to grow.
To become a well-known graphic designer is not an easy path, but that does not mean you can't be one. Thus, you shouldn't be intimidated by the pros because they were also like you when they began. You just have to let yourself grow and believe in it. Don't let your brain absorb the negativity and discouragement.
To become a well-known graphic designer is not an easy path, but that does not mean you can't be one. Thus, you shouldn't be intimidated by the pros because they were also like you when they began. You just have to let yourself grow and believe in it. Don't let your brain absorb the negativity and discouragement.
I don't know about other countries, but over here the graphic design does not only have one of the most competitive people, it also have a lot of toxic designers that would never correct you without making degrading you. There was a time I was forced to comment. Someone made a design and posted it, they started laughing and saying things like he should rethink his decision to become a designer and so on. I was so upset about it cause this person is a beginner, the mature thing to do is simply tell him where he is at fault.
Do not let anyone bring you down. I am pretty sure that even those who have reached a "pro" status before have made many mistakes, and even now, despite being pros, they still make mistakes from time to time. They feel superior to others because they have been in the industry for a long time and belittle newbies because they believe they lack experience and talent. However, it is important to remember that they were once newbies themselves. So, do not let their negativity affect you. Just focus on your journey, practice regularly, and I am sure that you will get better at it. Besides, there will always be people who believe in you and appreciate your work.
Graphic designing is a wonderful skill to have, it is lucrative and the opportunities are simply endless. While this sector can be pretty competitive, one major problem we have is that it can be intimidating especially for beginners. I always prefer to call myself and amateur as there is still so much I need to learn. There was a time I made a design and posted it on one of the Facebook page for graphic designers in my country. For me the creator, I actually loved the design but it was looked down on by the others and I was so discouraged to the point that I had to put it down. The moment you allow your self get intimidated, or let these harsh words get to you, it would be extremely hard to grow.
Facebook I think in the worst place where you can grow your career. There would be lot of scammers too.
Facebook I think in the worst place where you can grow your career. There would be lot of scammers too.
Haha, you have a point though, this is why one has to be careful when dealing with anyone.
This is for all aspect of our lives you need to do things that exude confidence. Even if you fail. at it rise up and move on you can make it

Yes, “fall down seven times, stand up eight.” Do not give up. You can do it, brother!
That should be the mantra for every one. You dint need to give up at a slighted fall. it is not worth it.

Yes. Failure can be inevitable at times but do not lose hope. Use your failures to grow and become better.
Yes. Failure can be inevitable at times but do not lose hope. Use your failures to grow and become better.
Everyone need to know this. Failure can just be about one starting intelligently next time it is not to give up.
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