Don't trust words, trust action. do you agree?

Oct 22, 2023
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When we live we face so many peoples and when those peoples live with us they tell us so many things and they promises to do a lot of things and a lot of promises, that could be from our friends or our life partners or it could be from coworkers or business owners and employers and also from our families, but those peoples who gave us words don't respect the words and they don't do what they tell us, so its better to see what are they doing than trusting their words or promises that they gave us.
If the previous action or actions of the person is normal, and he did what he said then, I trust on his words also. But if he has broken my trust many times then I say to him to prove it by your action, I don't need your words.
I agree with your saying, if the person is already trusted and have done what he or she have told to us that he or she will do then it is easy to trust them only by words and nothing much needed, but if they keep breaking their promises its better not to trust them any more.
There are also fake and make believe actions just to let the person believes him. It's good to observe and let time know the truth. It takes days to get to the truth if the action is genuine.
I know right, some peoples just act like they are good person and they are acting like some innocent and caring person but no they are doing it just to get our attention and our believe.
Yes, all this is based on the fact that words are easy to say, you just have to pronounce them and that's it, with the possibility that there is not an iota of truth in them, but actions become facts and there is nothing that can deny them, that is why you have to trust actions more than words.
I know right, some peoples just act like they are good person and they are acting like some innocent and caring person but no they are doing it just to get our attention and our believe.
You will only know the attitude of the person as honest, helpful, kind, and accommodating through the actions he performed for you.
Nowadays, I don't truly trust words anymore, as I have been disappointed a lot of times, so I really trust action these days. People can tell you anything, but action can tell you everything.
Yeah now a days word is nothing, peoples can promise you a lots of things and they tell you many things but they don't even remember what they told you after few hours.
Only actions, not words, impress me. Some people are only good with words. I only believe what I can see. A lot of people love to make promises they can't keep.
You're so right many are good in words but no application, no action just a blabbering to persuade people. People this time believe only what they see.
Yeah some times giving promises to a person is not easy, since we give the promise the person expects us to protect and do what we promised for them, and if we didn't keep our promise like we said then the person will never trust us. so it is better to show with action instead of words.
Let's trust actions not words alone. Words are mightier than swords though but they're highly exceptional in nature. Action done is very important and impressive to the eyes.
Definitely, you can only trust ones action. Any one can say anything both truth or not but actions speak louder.
Definitely, you can only trust ones action. Any one can say anything both truth or not but actions speak louder.
And we easily fall to a person though his actions like being caring, thoughtful and loving. They must be shown to prove.
Sometimes we fall in to someone's word trap and they try to talk us into their trap and we fall for them, but after sometime we see that we maid a big mistake and the best thing we need to do after that is to get out of that trap.
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